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      Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

        Missing Chairs under the eyes of the trees

        The presentation of a book, “Gli Occhi degli Alberi” by Chicca Gagliardo with photographs by Massimiliano Tappari, was an opportunity for an extraordinary night walk. Getting lost in Milan’s Sempione Park makes you discover a world: the incredible variety of trees, solitary and guarded, or arranged in pairs and so close as to make one think of a split; a source of sulphurous water generates pre-Socratic doubts; gigantic pine trees form a natural and hidden temple. Illuminated by the voice of Chicca Gagliardo, guided by the light of Massimiliano Tappari, protected by the trees and attentive to the call of water, some Missing Chairs .nobody&co. they were attentive witnesses.